Swing with Science Golf Fitness Program
The game of golf places a surprising number of constraints on the human body, yet it is a hobby that many would ideally like to play well in to the latter stages of their lives. The Swing with Science Golf Fitness Program can help achieve this. Furthermore, we can see that improvements specific areas of strength, flexibility and mobility, correlate with improved scoring on the course.
With these factors in mind, the Swing with Science Golf Fitness Program was developed in conjunction with golf professionals and Envy Sports Science Clinic exercise physiologists. If any of the following points sounds familiar to you, the program is going to be of great benefit:
– You feel aches and pains during or after a round of golf, particularly in the back or forearms or down the legs
– You lack confidence in your body, and are hesitant to perform a full swing
– You feel stiff, cannot rotate optimally or lack general hitting power
The systematic approach to addressing any or all of the above points is what makes the Swing with Science Golf Fitness Program so effective. It is also tailored to the individual circumstances of the golfer, to ensure maximum benefit is yielded.
An example of what the program may look like is as follows:
Preliminary actions: identify areas of stress, underlying musculo-skeletal conditions, and note down specific goals.
Phase 1: restore functional mobility and initiate core strength protocols
Phase 2: improve functional strength through the now improved range of movement achieved in phase 1
Phase 3: build in sports specific movements that demonstrate evidence of full body co-ordination and power
Phase 4: provide long term maintenance strategies
The Swing with Science Golf Fitness Program has been developed for golfers of all ages and is being utilised in many of the pre-eminent golf clubs in Sydney. To find out more information, please do no hesitate to get in touch with Envy Sports Science Clinic.

Envy Golf Day 2016 held at Manly Golf Club